Volunteer and Track Hours
New for Fall 2021: Students who participate in volunteer service through Serve912 Weekly Trips will be automatically credited with the service hours in Eagle Engage! All other volunteer and service hours will need to be individually submitted (see instructions below).
Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Here you can find a list of community partners that would love to have Georgia Southern students volunteer with them. Scroll down to see instructions for requesting a background check.
How to Log Your Volunteer Hours
Not everything you submit will be approved. Please review the Guidelines for information on what can and cannot be counted as volunteer hours.
Submitting Your Service Hours in Eagle Engage:
- Enter the EagleEngage page from the MyGS portal.
- On the Homepage, scroll down to “Campus Forms” section, or click “Forms” in the top right corner of the page.
- Select “Apply for Opportunity” to access the form.
How to fill out the Service Hour Form:
- Choose the opportunity type, which is “Service Hours.”
- Enter the total number of service hours you completed.
- State whether the hours you completed were for an organization or an academic requirement.
- If the hours were for an organization requirement, select which organization you are completing them on behalf of. You must be a member of that organization for them to appear in your drop-down options.
- If the hours were for an academic requirement, select which academic program or college you completed the hours on behalf of.
- If your hours were not for an academic or an organization requirement, select “no.” Your hours will be processed by the Office of Leadership and Community Engagement.
- Select “Yes” or “No” to whether the volunteer opportunity lasted multiple days (i.e. camp counselor for a week).
- If yes, select the start date of your volunteer opportunity.
- If no, select the one calendar date of your volunteer opportunity.
- State what community organization you served.
- Add a 2-3 sentence description of your volunteer opportunity.
- List the email address of the organization contact who can verify the service hours that you are submitting.
- Scroll back to the top.
- In the top right corner, select the “Submit” button.
Contact leader@georgiasouthern.edu if you need assistance!
How to apply for a Background Check
Georgia Southern students may request a background check through Human Resources. Many local organizations require background checks for volunteers. Please follow the instructions below to request yours! (Please note, these background checks are only available for students.)
Last updated: 10/11/2022